Gaia Green Glacial Rock Dust


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500 g and 2 kg eligible for Free Shipping

10 kg is a heavy item. Not eligible for Free Shipping

GAIA GREEN Blood Meal is known for having a high concentration of plant available nitrogen. This essential nutrient is released gradually over the season as the protein decomposes in the soil. GAIA GREEN Blood Meal is gentle on soil microbes that encourage humus production and good soil tilth; the key to sustainable productivity. GAIA GREEN Blood Meal flows freely and evenly and can be applied by spreader or hand.

Fully Organic

GAIA GREEN Blood Meal is approved for use in organic agriculture by Ecocert Canada (in compliance with Canada’s Organic Production Systems General Principles & Management Standards and Permitted Substances Lists (CAN/CGSB 32.310-2015 and CAN/CGSB 32.311-2015)).


  • Finely ground rock dust from glacial moraine helps to re-mineralize soil.

  • An excellent source of magnesium, iron, manganese and trace elements.

  • Helps improve soil structure, moisture retention, drainage and cation exchange capacity.

  • Provides essential plant minerals that enhances vitality.

  • Enriches compost with valuable trace elements.

Guaranteed Minimum Analysis

Magnesium (Mg)……………………..................………...0.9%

Iron (Fe) (actual)……….……………………………………3.0%

Manganese (Mn) (actual)…………………………….........0.05%

Derived From

Glacial Moraine

Directions for Use

Gardens and landscapes: Broadcast and lightly incorporate up to 1.2 kg per m2 (0.25 lbs per ft2) annually.

Turf: Broadcast up to 1.2 kg per m2 (0.25 lb per ft2) annually. After application, water turf thoroughly.

Pre-mixing soil for hanging baskets, potted plants and planter boxes: Blend up to 15 ml per 4 L (1 tbsp per gallon) of soil or growing medium.

Top-dressing hanging baskets, potted plants and planter boxes: Add 30 ml per 4 L (2 tbsp per gallon) of soil or growing medium. Gently dig into soil surface up to once a month. Lightly work into soil surface where possible.

Store in a cool, dry location, out of direct sunlight. Protect from frost and other climatic extremes. Seal packaging between uses.