BudTrainer BudCups


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  • riple Drainage mechanism increases root growth
  • Easy-Transplant system prevents transplant shock
  • Washable by hand and dishwasher-friendly
  • Recycled plastic is made to last a lifetime

We're making it easy for you to get from Seedling to the BIGGEST BUDS.  Grow like the pros with BudCups!  


How the BudCups™ work

From the patent-pending triple drainage process and the shock-free transplant mechanism, the BudCups are the best gardening containers to start your plants with.


Why the BudCups™?

Easy and shock-free transplants, perfect drainage, a lifetime of use and reuse, and made from recycled plastic. Enough said?

Transplanting. Made Easy.

No more flipping pots upside down, making a dirty mess on the floor, or breaking up roots. With the BudCups, transplanting is stress-free for you, and your plants!


No Water-Logging. No Root Rot.

Never worry about over-watering or water-logging the roots. With the raised bottom design and the side openings to let water out, your roots will thrive and never rot.

Dishwasher Safe.

The BudCups are built to last a lifetime. This is why we made them super easy to wash, with no corners to hold bacteria, and the best part: they are 100% dishwasher safe.

Shock-Free Transplants. Forever.

The BudCups' patent-pending transplant mechanism doesn't just make it easier for you to transplant. It makes it shock-free for your roots, allowing them to thrive after every transplant.


Triple Drainage. Triple Roots.

To make sure your roots get the best dry-backs possible, we added 3 layers of drainage to the BudCups. Here is how they work.

Mindful of Nature.

The plastic we use for the BudCups is at least 50% recycled (and 100% recycl-able), AND it is made to last a lifetime.

Like a Root SPA.

The BudCups' patent-pending triple drainage mechanism doesn't just prevent root rot. It prevents roots from getting bound and circling around.

Updated, Wider Size

The BudCups were inspired by the red party cups everyone uses in their garden. We decided to make them the same volume so they are familiar to all growers.


What’s Included

Each pack of BudCups comes with 4 cups and 4 bottom plates. Additional bottom plates are sold separately.


Patent-Pending Product

The BudCups are patent-pending and will be fully patented in 2024. This means BudTrainer™ will be the sole producer of the BudCups in North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand!


Guaranteed by BudTrainer® 

Every product sold by BudTrainer™ has a 12-month manufacturers warranty, including the BudCups! If you see any defects (which you won’t), we have you 100% covered. 


Ideal Plants for Transplanting

Transplanting helps with root development for many home-grown crops, including all of these:

Transplanting Creates More Roots

Planting seeds in smaller containers, like the BudCups, encourages a stronger root structure upfront. When the tap root reaches the bottom of the BudCups, it starts producing additional roots right away. When you transplant the young plant into a bigger container, these new roots spread out quickly, filling up the entire space instead of only growing around the bottom.