General Hydroponics Dry KoolBloom 2-45-28


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Dry KoolBloom provides an intense final push at the end of the plant's life cycle. Use Liquid Kool Bloom at the beginning to maximize the effect of Dry KoolBloom at the end. Start with liquid, finish with dry.

When flowering and fruiting plants are in their last stages of growth, how you address their unique nutrient needs will determine whether you get a bounty or just a bunch of buds. Get bountiful, with Dry KoolBloom.

Specifically designed for that final push when buds transition to flowers or fruits, Dry KoolBloom is a nutrient supplement rich with phosphorous, potassium and other ripening elements. In combination, these components give plants precisely what they need, from roots to blooms, to be more productive and vigorous.

Multiple Benefits
In addition to increased flower density, Dry KoolBloom promotes greater oil and fragrance production along with faster ripening. Highly concentrated and cost effective, this supplement offers macronutrients that are primarily responsible for flower and fruit growth.

Dry KoolBloom is used for the ripening stage to increase the intensity of the plant's flowering and fruiting process. A companion product, Liquid KoolBloom, focuses on the earlier stage of transition, from vegetative to flowering state. The combination of these two supplements forms the foundation of our most potent flowering and fruiting formula, bringing you increased yields and bigger, brighter blooms.